The Lynn Family Mission:

To Present Hope In A Broken World And Equip People With Tools For Healing

So What Does That Look Like Practically?

1. To share our family story of hope and healing in as many places as possible.

  • Since I (Pat) gave my life to Jesus at 19 years of age, I've felt the call to share the gospel. Now, more than ever, I feel the urgency of the spirit to get moving. We (as a family) believe that God has asked us to speak biblical truth around the country in this time where true hope is needed because of great despair. 
  • We'd like to show our kids God's fulfillment of our direction by coloring in the states as we go. Would you help us share in your state?
  • Pat has a passion for sharing in schools and over 20 years of doing so. Do you need an event speaker for an assembly, chapel, leadership event or to address your athletes? For more information click here.

2. To educate and motivate people in regards to mental health and biblical principles for healing.

As a gifted teacher and licensed Mental Health Counselor, Jennifer would love to present classroom sessions equipping believers with biblical truths related to mental health and habits including:

  • Children and mental health
  • Mental health and marriage
  • Addiction and abuse recovery
  • What scripture says about depression and anxiety

3. To partner with the church and other organizations in our community to help develop people

We believe that the body of Christ is better built when we build it together. We also believe that because of HIS love we need to be a part of our local church and community. Over the past seven years in Sequim we have led and been a part of teams in our community with the aim of developing people of all demographics. We still feel called to further this mission in whatever way possible. 

4. To encourage families (and specifically FATHERS) to take responsibility for, and joy in, raising their own children #igettobeadad

  • Long range studies have shown that the idea of the nuclear family is not only under attack but loosing the war in America. Children who grow up in single parent families, or families lacking the influence of a father, tend to lead far more challenging lives than those raised in nuclear families . That's why the Bible places so much importance on raising your own children! There is no greater calling in life than parenthood and we'd love to help better equip you in that calling.
  • I love that after been totally paralyzed God's given me the JOY of being a dad and equipped me, through great teachers, to do the best that I can. I'd love to pass that joy, and those tools along..Do you need a men's conference or event speaker? I'd love to. 

5. To highlight and help develop accessible playgrounds in churches and public spaces #playgrounds4all

  • As a disabled father, my heart was broken last year when I watched as two young wheelchair users sat by and watched their friends play at a brand new playground because the playground wasn't accessible. Every kid should get to play and participate. Let's face it, the church as a whole is missing the mark when it comes to including the disabled community. We'd love to leverage our story to help you be a place that has something for everyone.
  • Last year we lent support to Pastor Paul Owen, and the Neighborhood Church in Stafford, Oregon, as he ventures to build an accessible playground. If you'd like to support him go to to donate.
  • Would you like to discuss making your church more accessible? I'd love to talk about how we could help. Email me here: